MAC Captive

Is there anything better than handing over six empty makeup packages and getting a shiny new lipstick for free? I wish other brands would do the same but I guess that’s part of the reason why a MAC counter on a Saturday is like the Hunger Games. My latest back to MAC lipstick is Captive.

MAC Captive
There is a lot of love out there for matte lip products. I, myself prefer a bit of a glossy or shiny finish. I always feared that a matte lippy would be hard to wear. Your lips need to be in perfect condition, which is easier said than done in winter. In an attempt to ease myself into the matte lipstick frame of mind, I decided to try a satin finish as a baby step. The satin finish is not matte but its closer to matte than I am used to, there is still a bit of a subtle shine but it’s definitely not glossy.

MAC Captive

While looking at the rows and rows of colours on the MAC stand, for some reason Captive caught my eye. I’m all about peaches and corals during summer but I prefer shades of plum and berry in the winter. Under the bright makeup counter lights it looked like a soft easy to wear plum. Now that I have it home it’s a bit darker than I first thought but it’s still a wearable shade for me. The MAC website describes it as a pinkish-plum; I would say more of a berry plum, not really pinkish. Wear time with this is much the same as all MAC regular line lipsticks. You get a few hours if you don’t eat or drink. It leaves a bit of a stain so no need to reapply too often. It feels comfortable on the lips but not as moisturising as a Lustre or Cremesheen finish but it’s not too drying either. So here are the pictures:

Do you have Captive? What is your favourite MAC lipstick? And are you a fan of matte lip products?